Thursday, April 19, 2012

Abandon tourist? Which travel agent is that?

Dear all,

I read from newspaper that there are a fews of Malaysia tourist being refused to enter London compound during their trip to Europe, even though they have shown their travel itenary to prove they are tourist. What shocked me is the the tour leader has not taken effort to help these tourist and even abandoned them, they have to suffer in few countries many days before they could get bak to Malaysia.

I have no idea which travel agent is this, and I hope those who know should release their name so that consumer wont get stuck with them. In fact, it happend twice last month and happend to the same travel agent. I am sure they have some problem with London custom to cause this.

So, please release them asap if you know.

Abandon tourist? Which travel agent is that?

News report do not tell the whole story. I think what might have happened is that people have been known to go there as tourists and then stayed on illegally to work. I know this happens cos I know of people who has been to Japan and Australia (and perhaps London now) to work illegally. Even with a valid visa, entry into any of the advanced countries is not guaranteed.

Abandon tourist? Which travel agent is that?


I actually not really shocked or surprised when this happend as our country did the same to other countries tourist when they suspect something. What I concerned is the travel agent that abandon them, if they are their tourist, why are they not helping them to settle the problem? Which really annoyed me.And I think this is really irresponsible and we should release who they are.

KS Wong

As reported in the paper:The name is EXCELLENCE HOLIDAYS

Can anyone tell me which paper this was reported in ?

There was a very similar situation with a group of Malaysians at LHR last year.

Have seen the story about people being stranded in China %26amp; Hong Kong, can%26#39;t find anything about the same happening in London recently.

The Star under section NATION pg N14 dated 17 may 2007

Yes, the immigration in London is notoriously difficult to get through and the immigration agents ask a lot of questions. If they suspect stg wrong, it is very likely that they refuse entry.

A lot has to do with tourists overstaying their time period or working illegally. If they suspect anything untoward, they usually will bring you aside for a further interview.

If you happen to find yourself coming into UK LHR, show that you have enough monetary means (ie. credit cards, 拢拢), a valid hotel confirmation and flight ticket back and above all, be confident and answer the questions they have convincingly. Any dittering or inconsistency in your answers will give them a red flag.

The immigration at the airport in respective countries have the right to disallow entry to any people suspected of overstaying, and in this case intend to work illegally. The travel agent has no say in this. Usually what is done for this kind of situation is to book the air tickets right back to Malaysia.

What is unethical of this travel agent is that as the above had mentioned, leaving its customers stranded in a foreign country while they continue the tour with the rest.

They should have booked the next flight back to Malaysia for these people. Instead they try to con these people into forking out for a brand new airticket fare (which costs a few thoudsand ringgit), where in fact only a few hundred ringgit is required to change the air ticket (which is already included in the tour package). The travel agent only let this be known when one of the members stranded, threatened to sue them. Shame on this travel agent.

This news was reported in Star and China Press, date unsured but about 1 week ago. Also appeared in 8TV Chinese news in where all these angry tourist was showing their passport which has been crossed by London custom.

Thanks to member information reviewing the travel agent that is irresponsible even they are well known in the market.

Now the public know that good deals offered at all travel is still doubtful until fulfilled and traveled.

Points to note:that good deal offered for China tour included a lot of rubbish eg visit to factory outlet dealing with Jade,crystal,teas,pearl. Silk.craving(wood and stone)medicine .free health check and end up been con of extremely high price medicine.

The main point of travel is sight seeing and not been force to visit factory outlet,night market etc.

Another point is TIPS must not be make compulsory during invoicing and all hidden charges must be make out openly.

All potential traveler BEWARE of GOOD DEAL and free gift during promotion.

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