Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Grand Prix Advice

I know it%26#39;s early but we are planning next year%26#39;s trip to the Malasian GP already!

If anyone went this year perhaps you can give me some advice?

1. The circuit%26#39;s web site clearly states that you can%26#39;t take in your own food or drink. However, I%26#39;ve seen various posts on Tripadvisor saying that you should do just that - even to take cool bags in. What%26#39;s the reality - do the officials check your bags at the gates? I%26#39;d like to take at least some bottles of water with us...!

2. We intend to stay in accommodation close to the track and will be going to the track all 3 days. We were thinking about hiring a scooter to zip about on. Is that a crazy idea? We are experienced motorcyclists - but realise that it will be very busy there, especially on race day. And not sure of the parking situation for bikes....can anyone advise?

Many thanks for any help you can give.

Grand Prix Advice

Hi Metrobird,

Of course you can take drinks there. what are they gonna do with all those confiscated drinks should they impose such rules. Just carry in your rucksack and you%26#39;ll be fine.

I%26#39;m not sure whether there%26#39;s a scooter rental co. in KL. You have to enquire about that when u arrive. It%26#39;s not a crazy idea at all. Motorcycling is one of the major mode of transport in M%26#39;sia. For hotel suggestions, Pan Pacific adjacent to KLIA, Concorde Inn somewhere further out and Empress hotel.

I would think it%26#39;s easier to park a motorcycle than a car on those days as I don%26#39;t think many people would go there by motorcycles.

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